Book Titles / Subtitles

What makes for really, really good book titles (and why it matters…)?


Creating good book titles is an art and a science—literally. Yes, I’ve got some native talent, but when I combine it with time-tested techniques using certain web-based word tools, some pretty cool stuff happens.

The point? Crafting good book titles rarely just happens. And the plethora of poorly self-titled books out there is proof of that.

So, what makes a genuinely good book title?

My first foray as a “title creator” resulted in “The Well-Fed Writer.” This was my first book about the lucrative field of freelance “commercial” writing. Why does it work?

Because it’s a benefits-based promise: It speaks to what’s important to aspiring commercial writers, and tells them what they’ll get from reading it. Ditto with its subtitle…read on.


Yes, your non-fiction book needs a subtitle—IF you want to help visitors buy your book.

While good book titles are punchy and attention-grabbing, the subtitle is the workhorse. It elaborates on the premise of the title, provides more detail, and, ideally, is also hard-hitting.

The subtitle of The Well-Fed Writer?

Financial Self-Sufficiency as a Commercial Freelancer in Six Months or Less.

Any doubts there? Sure, a reader might wonder what “commercial freelancing” is, but if they’re seeking a more profitable writing direction, they’ll know they’re on the right track, and likely be eager to learn more.

Since that first effort, I’ve crafted countless really, really good book titles for authors around the world. Let me do the same for your book!

Pricing for Good Book Titles

(for non-fiction titles – especially “non-fiction how-to” books)

$850 (Title and subtitle)

  • Includes initial 20- to 30-minute phone consultation, at least eight distinct titles and five subtitles, and two rounds of revisions. Though I typically deliver more than eight/five, as these actual example “deliverables” show.
  • NOTE: “Branded” titles (i.e. “Chicken Soup…” “Dummies Guide…” etc.) or others with complex requirements (i.e., multiple audiences, additional reading/research) will incur an additional cost; contact to discuss.

$500 (Subtitle alone)

  • Includes 15-minute phone consultation and at least 5 subtitles to choose from

NOTE: Should you hire me only for the subtitle, but return later to have me do your title, the fee will be $400—the $300 difference plus $100 to “re-engage” with the project.

$150 (Sub-subtitle)

Many clients opt to add a “sub-subtitle”—a third title providing more detail about the book. This can be useful with a book that has several key features worth highlighting. Examples below (by row/position; i.e. “1/3” is row 1, third in row) are 1/1, 3/2 and 3/4.

“Sub-subs” are ONLY available as add-ons to the two above (no standalone purchases).

The Gallery

Click the thumbnails below to view samples (give them a few seconds to load). Most are two-pagers: a page showing the “Before” title (if they had one), along with my thinking on the project, and one showing the final result. (Note: the one showcasing my books is four pages long)