Back-Cover Writing

Good back-cover writing turns browsers into buyers…

When back-cover writing is weak, prospects lose interest…Effective writing for a back cover transforms a small space into a powerful selling tool*.

If your cover, title and subtitle resonate with a visitor, it’s likely because they call to some desire they have—and because that cover is clear, catchy, and compelling.

For fiction, that desire could be to have a transcendent reading experience—to be moved, entertained, transported, etc. For non-fiction, they might want to learn something, ease a nagging concern, or gain some inner peace.

Keeping Interest High…

If a front cover effectively ignites a desire on a visitor’s part, their next move is to flip the book over and read the back cover, and think (likely unconsciously), “Okay, sell me.”

If your back-cover writing is bland, unfocused or confusing, they’re gone.

Starting to see how a book’s front and back covers work together to move someone towards a purchase?

Pricing for Back-Cover Writing

(for non-fiction, especially “non-fiction how-to” books)


The above price assumes I’d be creating back-cover writing from scratch—typically the case. Should you provide me with a working version of back-cover copy, and I determine it will shave time off my process, a price reduction may be possible.

Includes initial 20- to 30-minute phone consultation, and two rounds of revisions. NOTE: Price above is based on 6″ x 9″ back cover. Larger formats (i.e., 8.5″ x 11″) will incur additional cost.

Have existing back-cover writing that’s not getting the job done? Reworking clunky, flat, vague copy is my specialty.

The Gallery

Double-click the thumbnails below to view samples (give them a few seconds to load), complete with my rationale. See the back-cover writing for my own four books at the end.